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After surviving breast cancer, Trish May wanted a way to give back. "What I wanted to do was create a product where people could make a difference every single day," said May. "You don't have to run a 10K to contribute. You don't have to go to an expensive gala." So the former Microsoft marketing executive founded Athena Bottled Water which donates 100 percent of profits to women's cancer resear... posted on Oct 29 2003, 1,064 reads


According to a Business Week/Harris poll, 95 percent of people think that corporations should sometimes sacrifice some profit for the sake of making things better for their workers and communities. So attorney Robert Hinkley had a few words that he'd like to tack onto the corporate world. Just twenty-eight words, to be exact, that will protect the environment, public health, workers' rights--as ... posted on Oct 28 2003, 1,478 reads


... posted on Oct 27 2003, 910 reads


... posted on Oct 26 2003, 787 reads


A thousand dollar loan. That's what Mimi Silbert took out to start a university of the streets, one she calls a Harvard for losers -- a concrete campus that has graduated 14,000 former pimps and prostitutes, junkies and drug dealers, armed robbers and homeless waifs. Since the 1970s, the smiling dynamo of a woman has operated Delancey Street, an alternative rehabilitation program run solely by i... posted on Oct 25 2003, 761 reads


Can loud noises in the ocean, such as pings of sonar from a Navy ship, hurt whales and other marine mammals? Investigators examining 14 beaked whales that washed up in the Canary Islands during a military exercise last fall said that high-powered sonar from Navy ships appears to be giving whales and other marine mammals a version of the bends, causing them to develop dangerous gas bubbles in some... posted on Oct 24 2003, 925 reads


A Daily Dose of Kindness
He lost his wife, as a result of a terror attack at Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem. His response? Kindness. In fact, he called his organization "Partners in Kindness". It's aim is to encourage people around the world to do an act of kindness each day. Their first project is called A Daily Dose of Kindness. Each day people report acts of kindness and it's shared anonymously with others.... posted on Oct 23 2003, 1,502 reads


Open source. It's called that because the collaboration is open to all and the final product is freely shared. Open source harnesses the distributive powers of the Internet, parcels the work out to thousands, and uses their piecework to build a better whole. It works like an ant colony, where the collective intelligence of the network supersedes any single contributor. Open source is the magic b... posted on Oct 22 2003, 1,009 reads


When she returned the call on the borrowed cell phone, she warned the man to "stop joking." Hearing that she was the winner of a MacArthur Foundation "genius grant," Lateefah Simon cautioned the bearer of $500,000 that "this is a really hard year. Don't play with me." But for this 26 year old, it was real. The MacArthur Foundation, for the last 25 years years, has been awarding fellowships -- "g... posted on Oct 21 2003, 939 reads


... posted on Oct 20 2003, 799 reads


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